Monday, June 22, 2020
Welcome to Summer Reading 2020! It’s an understatement to say I’m a little disappointed this year. Spending time working and laughing with the kids is always my favorite part of the year. I still hope to meet all of your kids and talk to them throughout the summer as you visit the library.
How will virtual Summer Reading work? The goal is still to keep your kids reading 20 minutes a day. Students that don’t continue reading over the summer lose valuable knowledge and fall behind their peers when returning to school in the fall (see graphic). Each week your child will visit the library to select books and collect their weekly packet. Inside the packet they will find their weekly activity, a small prize and snacks! On this blog and on our Facebook page, you will find links for read alouds. Listening to these counts as reading minutes! Reading, being read to, listening to an audio book – it all counts! And of course, just like every year, there are prizes for the students that read the most minutes with the top prize being a large Lego set.
If you have any questions, stop by the library, email Carrie at, or call us at 765-468-7292.
Today readaloud: I’m in Colorado with my race car. Listen to me read a story I wrote and illustrated myself about my cool car named, Old Gold.