Farmland Public Library Card Application Policy

Adopted by the Farmland Public Library Board of Trustees April 28, 2009

Amended February 23, 2010, October 26, 2010

Farmland Public Library is supported by the residents of the Town of Farmland through taxes. Any person owning or renting property, as well as their minor children over age 5, may make full use of the library by obtaining a library card.

The library also issues cards to residents of Monroe, Stoney Creek, and Union Townships.  A contractual agreement between Monroe Township and Farmland Public Library provides library cards for any individual or household within its boundaries. Contractual agreements between Stoney Creek, and Union Townships and Farmland Public Library provide library cards for a limited number of individuals or households residing within their boundaries.

For those who desire to use Farmland Public Library but live outside of its service area, a non-resident card may be purchased for $36.00.

To apply for a Farmland Public Library card, the applicant must complete an application card and show proof of permanent residence. The Library will accept a driver’s license, state issued identification card, a current rent receipt, a current utility bill, a blank pre-printed check deposit slip or other items with your current address on it.  The Library will make and keep a copy of the proof of residence on file and return the original to you. The individual cardholder or primary adult in the household assumes all borrowers’ responsibilities for items checked out on their card. When a patron card is used for the first time, there will be a limit of three items; when materials are returned and the account is in good standing, the limit will be increased to seven items.

Household card applications must include the names of all members of the household with library privileges.

Any enrolled student in Monroe Central or Union Schools are eligible for a free Student Card.  Any person employed on a regular basis at Monroe Central School Corporation or Union School Corporation, regardless of residency, is eligible to receive a Public School card at no charge, to encourage the use of the library and its materials in the classroom.

A business located within the Town of Farmland may obtain a corporate library card at no cost in the business name for business purposes. This type of card is not intended for the personal use of employees. Farmland Public Library does not issue business cards to religious, civic, or social organizations.

Library cards may be issued to minor children aged 5 and older, and are subject to residency requirements. A parent or guardian must sign the application for minor children under age 14. Signing an application card for a minor child under age 14 and accepting the card on behalf of the child means that the parent or guardian assumes all of the borrower’s responsibilities for the child.

Your information will not be released to anyone with out your prior consent or a court ordered subpoena.

By signing the application card, the patron agrees to abide by the rules set by the Farmland Public Library Board of Trustees and enforced by the Director and Library Assistants.

Farmland Public Library Borrowers Responsibilities and Material Loan Policy Adopted by the Farmland board of Trustees April 28, 2009; Reviewed February 23, 2010

 1.       The cardholder must present a valid library card to check out items.  Farmland Public Library may refuse to lend to individuals who do not present their card. Change of contact information must be reported promptly.

 2.       Lost cards must be reported to the Farmland Public Library at 468-7292.  The Library assumes that anyone in possession of the card has permission to use it unless it has been reported as lost. Until the moment the library is notified, the card is valid and its owner is responsible for any overdue fines, damages, or replacement fees. Replacement cards are available for the cost of $1.00 each. Plastic sleeves may be available for 50¢ each.

 3.       Late books or other materials will be charged an overdue fine of 10¢ per item for each day (that the library is open.) Maximum fine is $5.00. No checkouts will be permitted on the card once the fine reaches 40¢, until the fine is paid.

 4.       Patrons will be charged current replacement costs including shipping and handling plus accumulated fines for items not returned after 90 days.

 5.       A phone call will be attempted to remind you to return overdue items. If the items remain overdue, the Library will send a reminder postcard, and next a letter for overdue fines and replacement costs, including suspension of your privileges. Finally, a letter from the Library Board may be sent if no action has been taken by the patron.

6.       When items are returned damaged, a fine will be charged based upon the amount of damage and value of the item.  Damage may include harm from destructive use, damage caused by fluids, excessive smoke or other odors, or loss of one or more pieces of kits, games, and other multi-piece items or other circumstances rendering the item useless to circulate. The Library Board or the Librarian may determine the cost.

 7.       Library cards may be renewed annually (based on availability, for Township Contractual Cards).  All fines and fees must be paid before the renewal.

Quick Reference Chart for Circulation periods, Fines, and Fees

Circulation period

All items are circulated for a period of two weeks

Renewal of loaned materials

New items and inter-library loan items may not be renewed. Other items may be renewed for an additional two week period unless there is a reserve placed on the item. Renewal is not implicit; the library must be notified in person, by phone, or by email of your intent to renew.

Overdue fines

10¢ per item for each day we are open; maximum fine is $5.00 per item

Inter-library Loan

Card holders may request books through the inter-library loan system. There is no charge for ILL loans from participating libraries across Indiana. Most requests arrive within one to three weeks. Materials are subject to the circulation policies of their home library.

Replacement fee

Replacement cost for the item, plus actual shipping and handling

Non-Resident Borrower Cards

A fee of $36 is charged for each Non-Resident Borrower Card issued. This fee is the same amount as the per capital operating cost paid by users residing inside our service area through the library tax.

Public Library Access Cards (PLAC)

A service of the Indiana State Library, PLAC cards may be purchased for $50 per borrower at your home library; the card may then be used to borrow materials from all public libraries within Indiana.

Library Behavior Policy for Minors Adopted October 26, 2010 by the Board of Trustees of the Farmland Public Library Parents, guardians, and caregivers are responsible for the behavior of their minor children and adherence to rules while they are in the library. Library patrons and their children must be responsible with library furniture, shelving, books, and other library property, and refrain from misuse of library computers and other fixtures. The library is a well-trafficked area that may pose a threat for an unattended child. Young children (age 7 or younger), and older children who cannot abide by library policy, must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver while in the library and during visits to the restroom. The Library is not a playground. Children may not be left unattended in to play in the children’s area.  While the library staff enjoys and encourages the use of the library by young children, they are prohibited from serving as caregivers while working. Children are expected to use their indoor or quiet voices and not run or chase inside the facility. Parents are expected to control their children when they become disruptive to the library environment, whether by excessive activity or vocalizing. Parents who do not guide their child to appropriate library behavior may be asked to leave the library. When children age 12 or younger remain at the library past closing time, a library staff member will remain with the child for 15 minutes. If a responsible adult cannot be located to pick up the child in that time, the police shall be called to pick up the child. A parent or parents (if identity is known) will be notified in writing when minors age 8 to 18 are asked to leave the building for dangerous or disruptive behavior. The written notice will include details of the offending behavior. The Library Staff is:
  1. a) Authorized to advise a parent/caregiver to resume control of the child.
  2. b) Authorized to locate an appropriate caregiver, if none is in the building, by phone to immediately pick up older children who cannot respect the behavior policy.
  3. c) Authorized to contact the police to pick up a child if a caregiver cannot be located in a reasonable length of time.
  4. d)   Not authorized to act as? caregiver while working, or to take the child from the building, including transporting the child to another location.

Farmland Public Library Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Adopted May 27, 2008 ; Reviewed August 31, 2010


The mission of the Farmland Public Library is to provide free, open and equal access to ideas and information to all patrons of the library. The Library will provide a selection of basic word processing and other common software and access to the Internet at its desktop terminals, as well as wireless internet access for use on personal laptops and devices, to all of its customers.

Internet Access

The Internet, a world-wide network of millions of computers, has become the essential standard for obtaining and transmitting information of all types. Therefore, public access to the Internet is relevant to the Library’s mission.

However, the Internet is largely an unregulated medium. It also provides access to information that is inaccurate, illegal or that some may find offensive or disturbing. Although Internet filtering software may be installed, the Library cannot control a user’s access to all Internet resources.

Responsibilities of Library Staff and Users

All use of library technology is subject to the acceptable use policy, including wireless connectivity; all users must indicate their acceptance of the current internet policy with a signed user agreement to be kept on file at the library. The library may require collateral, such as a driver’s license, credit card, or item of value, to be held at the circulation desk and to be returned at the conclusion of the session, to assure the prompt return of laptops. No fee is charged for usual use of the computer.

Library staff will not monitor a user’s Internet use, except for length of time of use, in order to ensure equal opportunity of access for everyone. Computer use and wireless internet use is limited to one  (1) hour. The user, or the parent of a minor, is responsible for his or her Internet session at all times. Minors are defined in this policy as children and young people under the age of 17 years.

The Library reserves the right to terminate an Internet session that disrupts library services or that involves user behavior that violates the Library’s policies.

As with all Library resources, the Library affirms the right and responsibility of parents/guardians, NOT Library staff, to determine and monitor their minor children’s use of the Internet. Parents are responsible for their minor children’s use of the Library’s resources and facilities. Parents of children under the age of 15 years and those who believe that their children ages 15 to 17 years cannot responsibly use the Library’s Internet access are required to supervise their children’s Internet use in person. A signed parent permission form must be on file for all minors, and may be updated upon request by parents.

Staff members, trustees, and their families are subject to the rules and regulations set forth in this document.


While the Library endeavors to provide access to information of the highest quality, the Library specifically disclaims any warrant as to the accuracy, authoritativeness, timeliness, usefulness or fitness of information gathered online for a particular purpose. By virtue of its nature, the Internet may contain material that is obscene, offensive, defamatory, or controversial to some people.

The Library will have no liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages related to the use of information accessed through the Library’s Internet service.

Since software and information downloaded from any sources, including the Internet, may contain computer viruses, users are advised to utilize virus checking software on their home computers. The Library is not responsible for damage to users’ disks or computers or for any loss of data, damage or liability that may occur from use of the Library’s computers.

The Library is not liable for private or personally identifiable information that you enter into the computer. Laws (NJSA 18A:73-43.2) prohibit unauthorized disclosure, use, or dissemination of personal information regarding Library users, including minors. Personally identifiable information about users may not be disclosed or used in any way, except to law enforcement authorities as provided in the law.

Unacceptable Uses of Computers

Among the uses that are considered unacceptable and which constitute a violation of this policy are the following:

1.       Uses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law. Transmitting of offensive or harassing messages; offering for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by law; viewing, transmitting or downloading pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law; downloading or transmitting confidential, trade secret information, or copyrighted materials, and use in violation of software license agreements. Even if materials on the networks are not marked with the copyright symbol, users should assume that all materials are protected unless there is explicit permission on the materials to use them (US copyright law, Title 17 US Code.)

2.       Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property. Engaging in defamation (harming another’s reputation by lies); uploading a worm, virus, “Trojan horse,” “time bomb” or other harmful form of programming or vandalism; participating in “hacking” activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers, networks, or information systems.

3.       Uses that jeopardize the security of access of the computer network or other networks on the Internet. Disclosing or sharing your passwords with others; impersonating another user; using one’s own software programs on the library’s computers; altering the Library’s computer settings; damaging or modifying computer equipment or software; or downloading any software onto the Library computer.

4.       Uses that compromise the safety and security of minors or of other people when using e-mail, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic communications: Giving private information about one’s self or others, including credit card numbers and social security numbers; arranging a face-to-face meeting with someone one has “met” on the computer network or Internet without a parent’s permission.

Technology Protection Measures

The Library, either by itself or in combination with its Internet access provider, reserves the right to install filtering software or other technologies on any library computers with Internet access. If used, filtering software is designed to enforce the acceptable use of the computers, to prevent customers from accessing visual depictions that are (1) obscene, (2) pornographic, or (3) harmful to minors. The term “harmful to minors” is defined by the Communications Act of 1934 (47 USC Section 254 [h] [7]), as meaning any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:

●        Taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion;

●        Depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals;

●        Taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.

●        Filtering software is not foolproof. It diminishes the likelihood that searchers will inadvertently retrieve text or images that they may find offensive, but does not eliminate that possibility. Filters often block access to sites that users would consider both inoffensive and useful.

If you do not find what you need, please ask a librarian for help. If in use, technology protection measures may be temporarily disabled by a library staff member for bona fide research or other lawful purposes by people aged 17 and older.


Printing is available at the cost of 10 cents per page (black ink only) or 25 cents per page (color ink). Please see a library assistant before printing to prevent any potential problems.


The Library staff will develop such rules and procedures as are necessary to ensure the fair and reasonable use of Internet access. All policies regarding computer use are subject to change. Policy changes will be posted near the computer terminals for a period no less than 6 weeks.

Response to Violations

The user’s access to the Library’s computer network and Internet is a privilege, not a right. A user violates this policy by his or her own action or by failing to report any violations by other users that come to the attention of the user. Failure to comply with this policy and its procedures will result in the forfeiture of the user’s right to access Library computers.